Where Learning Clings to Consciousness


Building an Inclusive Workplace for Persons with Disabilities: Microlearning

In today’s fast-paced information age, the need for impactful and efficient learning methods has never been greater. Embracing this trend, I developed a 10-minute microlearning course on ‘Inclusivity and Diversity in the Workplace’ using Articulate Rise. The purpose of this course is to foster an inclusive culture and promote diversity within corporate environments. The objectives are to help learners understand the importance of inclusivity and implement strategies for creating a diverse and equitable workplace. Designed to be visually engaging and immediately captivating, this microlearning experience aims to deliver essential knowledge in a concise and effective manner.

Audience: The primary audience for this microlearning course includes small business owners, corporate employees, managers, and HR professionals.

Tools Used: Articulate Rise, Canva

Process: To create this microlearning module, I decided to use Articulate Rise for its user-friendly interface and interactive features. As with any course, I began by planning the content, defining the learning outcomes and key topics. Given that this is a microlearning course, I ensured not to overload it with content, focusing instead on key information. I aimed to make it visually appealing and interactive to enhance learner engagement and retention.

The main challenge with this project was keeping the content clear and concise to capture the essence of microlearning. I ensured this by proofreading my work and breaking down content into bullet points. Using simple interactions was also key to maintaining clarity without overcomplicating things.

Another challenge was ensuring imagery translated well across devices. This was particularly tricky when designing the backgrounds for interactive elements. Consistent fonts were also important while using Articulate Rise’s built-in features.

Additionally, embedded YouTube video opening in a new window disrupted the learning experience. I tried to address these challenges with meticulous design, testing, and adjustments, though not all issues were resolved. Overall, I’m pleased with the final module, which balances engagement and impact effectively.